•• Things Getting Better , Hope Till End :)

Mengenai 1
Ujian Bulanan 2, hee, syukur alhamdulillah doh, dapat 7A 1B! haha :P tak ada la kan, cuma, dah nak dekat final year exam, mesti la cuak and ujian akan bertambah susah, tapi alhamdulillah, aku dapat skor kecuali mathematics, awat susa beno ek? hmm, here :

Bahasa Melayu - 90%
Bahasa Inggeris - 77%
Science - 86 %
Mathematics - 70 % ( I have to work more! )
Pendidikan Islam - 90 %
Sejarah - 96 %
Geografi - 82 %
KHB - 78 %

alhamdulillah ! :)

Mengenai 2
Sekarang neh tade musuh musuh da :) even form 2 or form 3, yahh, I think :D they are nice to me, and I will do to them too, hee. Lagi pun aku dah malas nak gaduh gaduh neh and why not kitaorang kawan? aha, see, i love them! haha.

Mengenai 3
Study group, yeap, Roxstar's Family! Berkat usaha kitaorang study kan kan, so, each of our study group's member, got A in Sejarah! Congrats gang! Hee :D

Mengenai 4
My ever sweetheart! Hmm, my life become better without her, and I try to slow down my temperature. Please, aku na happy dengan alip tanpa kau boleh ta ?

I think that's all only ,

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